Intuitive Counseling & Healing Classes
Transmissions for de-conditioning a free healing program
I’ve been given a new program through transmissions from higher consciousness to access energy related to our birth dates. These are the numbers responsible for revealing our lives with amazing clarity through astrology, numerology, Human Design, destiny cards and other powerful ways. In a sense, they are our spiritual address in the Universe. They are our template for the personality we are born with.
Working with this new healing program we will de-condition the parts of us we’ve collected that interfere with our progress in manifesting our greater destiny. A metaphor for this program is a stem cell treatment for the psyche.
“Peter Roth is perhaps the most gifted, intuitive healer that I have ever known. It’s no surprise that he would pioneer an innovative healing technique to assist humanity in its evolution. The transfer of energy is very tangible. I felt the connection immediately and my left hand heated up and almost completely saturated the paper circle! My entire body truly absorbed the soft, healing energy and permeated my system inside and out. The presence of spirit also was very much noted and I felt surrounded by peace and love as I was being filled up with divine light. All the stress and tension in my body melted away. Even my chronic back pain improved greatly after the session. The experience stayed with me for several days. I felt centered, peaceful and had many good nights of sleep. Thank you Peter for sharing your gift with me!”
-Kimberly, New York City
We all have greater purposes in life and are here to create value both for ourselves and others. Yet, there have been people and events in our lives that have created difficult circumstances for us. Conditioning comes from countless early experiences when we were too young to have perspective or unable to process problematic events. These have allowed our minds and bodies to develop habits and behaviors unsuited for our future happiness.
I’ve been told this healing program works at the level of the subconscious. It’s not about taking unwanted conditioning and tossing it away but rather empowering the subconscious to transmute it into wisdom and positive energy using the original template we were born into. During transmissions, some people will feel energy moving, different sensations and perhaps some early results. It really takes a number of sessions (perhaps 10) to reach different layers of the psyche and receive a more thorough result. What is most important to pay attention to is renewed clarity, confidence, purpose and comfort. You’ll likely see that this program can remove or reduce the noise or clutter of life that has been getting in your way.
So much of healing is about creating wholeness to see all of life’s concerns from a more powerful point of view. When our frequencies become more harmonic, our minds and spirits dwell on ideas and habits that are in alignment with our joy and happiness. A large part of our healing process is to create greater awareness and to resolve conditioned habits and move beyond them. Healing includes facing and overcoming fears, false hopes, or disillusions in order to reveal deeper truths or greater wisdom. You’ll feel more empowered to make appropriate changes in your life.
Peter, thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to be one of the first recipients of your new healing process. I can tell you certainly that the long standing feeling of being stuck with my personal and professional endeavors has lifted and I am busy moving forward again. In particular I have a clear vision of what I want to accomplish and I’m taking specific steps to work on clearing out energetic debris, whereas before I was stifled. I have renewed hope for positive outcomes without any residue of emotional baggage getting in my way. I would call this a very positive response that I can directly link to our healing session. I hope many others are well served by your wonderful work.
-Steve, White Plains, NY
Step 1
Step 2
If you’d like to be included when I am processing this transmission, please add your email address, name, and date of birth below. Without this information I can not add you to the circle. On Sunday nights an email goes out to the transmission list with the weekly schedule.
This program works for couples in relationship by doing it together at the same time, without touching each other. Children can use this as long as they are mature enough to keep their hand on the circle for 10 minutes. Corporations and organizations when they use their founding date and one of the founders is working with the circle.
I can work with multiple dates simultaneously by using a pile of circles with more than one date in each circle. You can also use a pile of circles and/or put more than one date in each circle so you can help friends and family. Including them is helpful although the transmission to them is potentially less powerful since they are not actively involved using their own hands. Hands have their own patterning (like fingerprints) and energy and connect accordingly. The suggested limit for each person to submit other people’s dates is four.
I have been told I have a special capacity to work with this energy. We all have our special jobs to do. There is no charge for this service and I want to help as many people as possible.
Interested in working with me privately? I can do additional important work with the circles, and offer this as part of my services as well as individual intuitive counseling/healing, and Human Design chart session. Please contact me to learn more or to schedule your private session with me.
And as always, the Heart River school offers many different, wonderful classes.
When you download the circle, your printer might not size it correctly or the outside edges might be cut off. It does need to be 8 inches and you can draw in the missing edges if need be. Otherwise, if the circle is too small, you can tie a pen to a 4 inch string that’s anchored to the middle and inscribe the circle. Please make sure your circle is 8 inches.
Download the True Life Circle Diagram>>
Contact Peter Roth at moc.liamg%4046htorretep and give him your birthdate for you join the circle.